Aurora Bowling Brawl

Steve Chapman



Two adults arrested, one juvenile detained for incident at Strike Zone bowling alley
A week after the shooting in White Park that led to the death of Garron McGlothlin, another violent incident took place nearby at the Strike Zone bowling alley in Aurora. Three people, including a juvenile, were arrested for allegedly assaulting others at the bowling alley on Friday, April 5.
One of the people arrested was Gabriel Olvera, 30, of Aurora. According to the probable cause statement regarding him, Olvera allegedly assaulted multiple people at the Strike Zone. One woman said that she was assaulted by a woman who was with Olvera, and another victim, who is physically handicapped came to her aid and was pushed to the ground, causing him physical injury. Another person, the second victim’s brother, said he came to his aid and was taken down by a juvenile with Olvera, and that Olvera then kicked him in the head multiple times.
Another person who was arrested was Ashley Ryan, 25, of Springfield. According to the probable cause state-ment regarding her, a juvenile victim told another person that Ryan and two other individuals were swearing loudly. Ryan then allegedly shoved the boy into the doorway and slammed the door on him, and then allegedly punched and shoved another person.
Four other people attempted to stop the fight, the probable cause statement said, and Ryan alledgedly struck them and slammed one of them to the ground. Ryan also alledgedly struck an officer on the back of the head when he atttempted to take the juvenile, who was with Ryan, in to custody. According to the posting on the Aurora/Marionville Police Department's (AMPD) Facebook page, alcohol was suspected to be a factor in the altercation.
Ryan, Olvera and the juvenile were taken in to custody by the AMPD. Ryan and Olvera were booked in to the Lawrence County Jail on Saturday, April 6, and released the next day. As of press time no further court dates were scheduled for them. No information was available on the juvenile.


Lawrence County Record

312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712


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