Aurora city council passes ordinances approving zoning changes, budget
The Aurora City Council passed four ordinances during their meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 27, according to unofficial minutes from the meeting.
Three of the ordinances were passed after their second title-only readings during the old business portion of the meeting.
The first ordinance approved the city’s 2019 Fiscal Year budget. The second ordinance approved a request by Donald and Betty Coyne for a lot split involving three attached properties; 700 S. Park through 714 S. Park, with an empty lot in between. The third ordinance approved a request from Christopher and Sandra Edwards for a zoning change involving 210 N. Elliot and one lot to the east.
The fourth ordinance, which approved a request by First Independent Bank to rezone a parcel of land, was passed following two title-only readings. Jon Holmes, city administrator, also told the council that the city’s Planning and Zoning Board recommended approving the ordinance.
The ordinance had been presented during the council’s Nov. 13 meeting, but was tabled for further discussion. At the Nov. 27 meeting, Planning and Zoning Director Trent White stated “that a buffer zone would be created and that it was allowing one truck for parking, not an entire fleet.”
During the Council Forum portion of the meeting, Councilman Don McWade stated he did not have an opportunity to table the personnel policy during the Nov. 13 meeting. He asked it be rescinded. Holmes stated the only way for the council to take new action on the personnel policy was to put it on the agenda for discussion at the next council meeting. The council voted to put the personnel policy on the agenda.
Lawrence County Record
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