End of the Garden Pickles
The Record’s “Recipe of the Week”:
End of the Garden Pickles by Sue Kyle
1 cup sliced cucumbers
1 cup chopped sweet peppers
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 cup sliced onions
1 cup chopped green tomatoes
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup green beans, cut
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup cauliflower, cut up
1/2 cup salt
2 quarts water
2 cups vinegar
1 cup water
4 cups sugar
1 T. celery seed
1 T. mustard seed
Soak the vegetables overnight in a large crock filled with the soaking liquid.
The next morning: Drain the salt water off of the vegetables. Rinse the vegetables.
Combine all the pickling liquid ingredients in a large pan. Bring to a boil. Add the vegetables to the vinegar mixture and bring to another boil.
Pack loosely in canning jars and seal.
Lawrence County Record
312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712