MVHS Speech & Debate off to another big start for the new year

Pictured above, following the Big 8 Conference Tournament in Senca, in the front row are Gabriel Converse, Josie Meyer, Eevie Jones, Sarah Long and Emma Tobey. In the back row are RayLynn Weeks, Emily Fox, Sam Jones, Isabelle Farnsworth and Kody Watts. (Photo submitted)
The Mt. Vernon High School Speech & Debate Team has been busy. On Feb. 9-10 they attended the Big 8 Conference Tournament at Seneca High School and the Heart of the Ozarks Tournament in Joplin on Feb. 16-17. The results are as follows:
Big 8 Conference Tournament:
Team sweepstakes: Third place overall
Sam Jones- Conference Champion (Humorous Interpretation); Emma Tobey - Conference Champion (US Extemporaneous) and third place (Original Oratory); Eevie Jones- fourth place (Radio) and fifth place (Original Oratory); Josie Meyer- fourth place (Prose); Gabriel Converse- fifth place (Humurous Interpretation); Emily Fox- fifth place (US Extemporaneous) and fifth place (Informative speaking); and Kody Watts- sixth place (Informative speaking)
Partner Event: Duo Interpretation
Sam Jones & Sarah Long- third place overall and RayLynn Weeks and Isabelle Farnsworth- sixth place overall.
Heart of the Ozarks Tournament:
Gabriel Converse- first place overall (Humorous Interpretation) and Emma Tobey- semifinalist (Original Oratory) semifinalist (US Extemporaneous Speaking).
They will compete again March 1-2, in the MSHSSA District Tournament, March 15-16, in the NSDA District Tournament and on April 5, in the Congress NSDA Tournament.
Lawrence County Record
312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712