MVPD's Campbell receives recognition for help in fraud bust

Mt. Vernon Police Chief Dave Hubert presents a letter of commendation to officer allen Campbell for his work in an expansive fraud case. (Photo submitted)
City of Mt. Vernon buys land on Hwy. 39, future use unknow, special committee of 11 formed to determine
At the board of aldermen meeting this past Tuesday the 22, Officer Allen Campbell received recognition from the city and from the chief of police, Dave Hubert.
According to Hubert, Campbell was an integral part of an investigation that led to the charging of multiple individuals at the federal level for fraud. Hubert says that Campbell relayed information to the United States Attorney General's Office and to the Missouri Highway Patrol. Campbell posed with the chief for a picture and received a letter of commendation in front of the board and attending citizens. He was given a round of applause by all in attendance.
"Back in my day, the chief would have said: okay, you did your job." Said Hubert, "But now people like to hear it, so good job. It's well deserved."
City buys land
It was announced that Mayor Jason Haymes formed a special committee, consisting of 11 people, selecting from board members and city employees. The city has purchased some property on Highway 39, next to the water tower, the goal of the committee is to figure out what project they wish to construct there. What that project is, remains unknown but Haymes says, "We have several things that we wanted to look at, we had an idea in mind when we bought it."
Haymes says the committee would make the proceedings more "official" and would provide the ability for those who are intrested to make their voice heard in the proceedings.
In other business
Public Works Director Dustin Davis delivered a report on a well that was not pumping the correct volume of water. Upon inspection, it was revealed by Flynn Drilling after removing the well casing and pump that the pump did not match the plaque in the well house, leading to a miscalculation in how much water was expected to be pumped from the well. Flynn reinstalled the pieces that were removed and remedied the error on the plaque at no cost to the city.
The board voted unanimously on a bill to execute a contract with OWN Inc., which was formerly known as Anderson Engineering. The contract will see OWN providing engineering services for sidewalk improvements in Mt. Vernon. Also passed unanimously was a bill authorizing a contract between Branco and the city for construction related to renovations at the Spirit of '76 Park.
Lawrence County Record
312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712