Nine members of the Mt. Vernon H.S. softball team recognized as 2022-23 Easton/NFCA All American Scholar Athletes

Angel Daniels

Harley Daniels

Allie Schubert

Cheyenne Bieber

Ally Burk

Molly Daniels

Rae Downing

Payge Evans

Addie Hall

Hali Stokes

The National Fastpitch Coaches Association released the names of the 2022-23 All American Softball Scholar Athletes and nine of them were from the Mt. Vernon High School softball team. All nine achieved a 3.5 or higher unweighted GPA.  
The rankings and honors recognize the academic prowess of softball teams across the association’s high school members. In total, 1,320 student athletes who earned a 3.5 GPA or higher were recognized (697 of them were unweighted).
Not only were the individual athletes recognized but the team itself achieved an overall GPA of 3.84 which placed them tied for ninth place nationally.
The following athletes earned the recognition of All American Scholar Athletes: Cheyenne Bieber, Ally Burk, Harley Daniels, Molly Daniels, Rae Downing, Payge Evans, Addie Hall, Allie Schubert and Hali Stokes.
The Mt. Vernon Lady Mt’neers won the  2023 state title in May and finished the season 37-1, ranked 11th in the nation.


Lawrence County Record

312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712


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